Del Gittinger Memorial Chapter Library
Kim Hoessly is now the Chapter Librarian. These books are available for members to borrow. They can email her if they want to come by her house and get one. She will also bring them to the meetings. There will be a sign out sheet and the books can be borrowed from meeting to meeting unless someone else would like to borrow the book.
A Guide To Restringing
A History of Midwestern Piano Manufacturing Calculating Technician, The Five Lectures On The Acoustics of the Piano Glimpse into Montal's Paris, A Celebration of Claude Montal, A House of Bechstein: Chronicle How To Tone Regulate Newly Installed Hammers in A Grand How To Tune A Piano Let's Tune Up Men, Women & Pianos, A Social History Modern Organ Tuning Piano Action Handbook, The Piano Owners Guide, The Piano Servicing, Tuning & Rebuilding for the Professional, the... Piano Servicing, Tuning & Rebuilding for the Professional, the... Piano Tuning and Allied Arts Piano, A Piano Technician's Guide for the Piano Owner, The Pianos And Their Makers, A Comprehensive History of... Player Piano Servicing & Rebuilding Principles of Player Action Operation Professional Piano Tuning Rebuilding The Player Piano The American Reed Organ & the Harmonium The New Tuning, Equal Temperament with Perfect Fifths The Reed Organ: Its Design & Construction Theory and Practice of PianoForte Building What Is Your Piano All About and Allied Subjects |
Travis, John W.
Greenfield, Jack Roberts, David Askenfelt, Anders video Bechstein Travis, John W. Woodman, H. Staunton Travis, John W. Loesser, Arthur Smith, Hermann Mason, Merle Schmeckel, Carl D. Reblitz, Arthur A. Reblitz, Arthur A. White, William Braid Gurlik, Philip Dolge, Alfred Reblitz, Arthur A. ??? Howell, W. Dean Givens, Larry Gellerman, Robert F. Mason, Lucas Milne, H. F. White, William Braid Kresge, Don U. |