It’s rare to find the client who is willing to make the investment, and commitment to the level of this type of rebuild on an upright today. Unfortunately, at this point in time, most of these time worn instruments require extensive repair to bring them back to a high level of service. This is the first upright that I have done that included a new soundboard. The Weber is a solid well built instrument, of one family ownership. It boasts a full sostenuto system and some beautiful veneer. The plate alone shows some of the pride that was taken in this era of piano production. - Mark Ritchie
Photos by Doug Brandt.
The Weber name is cast into the plate as part of the freeze-out holes. Something that on an upright probably only a technician would ever see.
This photo shows the new soundboard and notice the open face pinblock. The piano was original 1/0 tuning pins and is being restrung with 2/0 pins
Full view with keybed removed and other plate details.
Notice the sostenuto tabs on damper levers. Each action part was removed and individually shell blasted for cleaning and then rebuilt as necessary. Parts on right before shell blasting.